Last year we advised you to use ES2015 - however, a lot has changed since.
去年我们就建议你使用ES2015 - 但是还是有太多变化了。
Back then, Node.js v4 was the LTS version, and it had support for 57% of the ES2015 functionality. A year passed and ES2015 support grew to 99% with Node v6.
回到年初,Node.js V4还是LTS版,已经支持了57%的ES2015语法。一年过后,Node V6版本对ES2015支持度已经长到99%了。
If you are on the latest Node.js LTS version you don’t need babel anymore to use the whole feature set of ES2015. But even with this said, on the client side you’ll probably still need it!
For more information on which Node.js version supports which ES2015 features, I’d recommend checking out node.green.